Knuth: Open Letter to Condolezza Rice

Ein offener Brief von Donald Knuth an seine Studentin Condolezza Rice. Schon in 2002 geschrieben, aber ich bin zum ersten Mal drüber gestolpert.

Fundamentally I don't see how the government of my country has done anything whatsoever to address and correct the root causes of international terrorism. Quite the contrary; every action I can see seems almost designed to have the opposite effect --- as if orchestrated to maximize the finances of those who make armaments, by maximizing the number of people who now hate me personally for actions that I do not personally condone. How can I be a proud citizen of a country that unilaterally pulls out of widely accepted treaties, that refuses to accept a world court, that flouts fair trade with shameful policies regarding steel and agriculture, and that almost blindly supports Israel's increasingly unjustifiable occupation?

Mir würde ja sofort wieder Salon-Antiamerikanismus vorgeworfen wenn ich sowas in der Richtung schreiben würde ...

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