Neues von Lego Mindstorms

Live From CES: Lego Mindstorms NXT - Gizmodo - wow. Eigentlich wollte ich mich ja etwas zurückhalten bei Lego-Anschaffungen, zumal ich eh keine Zeit dafür finde, aber das hier klingt doch wirklich all zu gut:

The new NXT “brick” is a 32-bit microprocessor that can be programmed using a PC or, for the first time, a Mac. It’s Bluetooth enabled, which makes the instructions you plug into the LabView software easy to transfer to your bot, and even control it from a PDA or mobile phone. It’s got three servo motors with inbuilt rotation sensors for precise speed control (one of the demo units on display walked quite fluidly). An ultrasonic sensor lets the robot see, it will recognize sound patterns and tones, the light detector is sensitive to both color and intensity variations, and there is a touch sensor to let the bot feel its way around as well.

Das klingt definitiv sehr stark nach haben-wollen Faktor in der Gegend von 100% lachendes Gesicht

tags: Lego