Terrorverdächtiger Hut?

Mal wieder was aus dem Land der Freien und Verblödeten. James Moore ist auf der No-Fly-List. Er ist einer der Autoren des Buches "Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential". Und er darf nicht fliegen.

Aus seinem Telefonat mit der zuständigen Hotline in Washington:

"I'm sorry, sir," she said. "There seems to be a problem. You've been placed on the No Fly Watch List."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm afraid there isn't much more that I can tell you," she explained. "It's just the list that's maintained by TSA to check for people who might have terrorist connections."

"You're serious?"

"I'm afraid so, sir. Here's an 800 number in Washington. You need to call them before I can clear you for the flight."

Exasperated, I dialed the number from my cell, determined to clear up what I was sure was a clerical error. The woman who answered offered me no more information than the ticket agent.

"Mam, I'd like to know how I got on the No Fly Watch List."

"I'm not really authorized to tell you that, sir," she explained after taking down my social security and Texas driver's license numbers.

"What can you tell me?"

"All I can tell you is that there is something in your background that in some way is similar to someone they are looking for."

"Well, let me get this straight then," I said. "Our government is looking for a guy who may have a mundane Anglo name, who pays tens of thousands of dollars every year in taxes, has never been arrested or even late on a credit card payment, is more uninteresting than a Tupperware party, and cries after the first two notes of the national anthem? We need to find this guy. He sounds dangerous to me."

"I'm sorry, sir, I've already told you everything I can."

"Oh, wait," I said. "One last thing: this guy they are looking for? Did he write books critical of the Bush administration, too?"

Tja. Oder es ist doch so wie in den Kommentaren vorgeschlagen - es ist sein Hut.

Abgesehen von seinem Humor den er behalten hat, hat er noch ein kleines Nugget an Info auch für uns parat:

I have been on the No Fly Watch List for a year. I will never be told the official reason. No one ever is. You cannot sue to get the information. Nothing I have done has moved me any closer to getting off the list. There were 35,000 Americans in that database last year. According to a European government that screens hundreds of thousands of American travelers every year, the list they have been given to work from has since grown to 80,000.

80.000 Menschen sind auf der No-Fly-Liste der der Amerikaner - die dann an andere Länder gegeben wird, um diese Menschen auch dort am Fliegen zu hindern. Ohne Kontrolle dieser Liste, ohne Richter, ohne Verurteilung, einfach nur aufgrund einer willkürlichen Eintragung. Und ich hab so den Verdacht, das alle brav kuschen und diesen Irrsinn mitmachen ...

tags: Weird