Court Rules: Novell owns the UNIX and UnixWare copyrights! Novell has right to waive! |
Aug. 11, 2007, 5:46 a.m. |
Court Rules: Novell owns the UNIX and UnixWare copyrights! Novell has right to waive! - "That's Aaaaall, Folks! The court also ruled that "SCO is obligated to recognize Novell's waiver of SCO's claims against IBM and Sequent". That's the ball game. There are a couple of loose ends, but the big picture is, SCO lost. Oh, and it owes Novell a lot of money from the Microsoft and Sun licenses."
Linux, Sysadmin |
New FCC rules may impact Linux-based devices |
Aug. 9, 2007, 2 p.m. |
New FCC rules may impact Linux-based devices - die FCC meint das Security-by-Obscurity eine tolle Idee für Funktechniken wäre. Und unterminiert damit sowohl Open Source Projekte als auch die Sicherheit von Wireless Lösungen. Idioten.
Mobile, Sicherheit, Sysadmin |
m-e-c AS2 ::: Open source AS2 software |
Aug. 6, 2007, 2:30 p.m. |
m-e-c AS2 ::: Open source AS2 software - EDI über Internet übertragen. RFC 4130.
Sysadmin |
Vimdoc : the online source for Vim documentation |
Aug. 3, 2007, 4:06 p.m. |
Vimdoc : the online source for Vim documentation
Sysadmin |
Virtualisierungs-Rootkit Blue Pill frei verfügbar |
Aug. 3, 2007, 11:36 a.m. |
Virtualisierungs-Rootkit Blue Pill frei verfügbar - da kommt Spaß auf.
Sicherheit, Sysadmin |
Scan This Guy's E-Passport and Watch Your System Crash |
Aug. 1, 2007, 3:47 p.m. |
Scan This Guy's E-Passport and Watch Your System Crash - e-Passport. Ganz grosses Kino.
Owl, Sicherheit, Sysadmin |