Elements tagged with: sysadmin

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Cryptanalysis of A5/1 Feb. 22, 2008, 3:08 p.m.
Cryptanalysis of A5/1 - "What's new about this attack is: 1) it's completely passive, 2) its total hardware cost is around $1,000, and 3) the total time to break the key is about 30 minutes. That's impressive."
Sicherheit, Sysadmin
New Research Result: Cold Boot Attacks on Disk Encryption Feb. 22, 2008, 10 a.m.
New Research Result: Cold Boot Attacks on Disk Encryption - wow. Schlicht und einfach Wow. Das sieht echt übel aus für Plattenverschlüsselung - jedenfalls was harte Sicherheitsanforderungen angeht.