Entries for date 08/09/2005

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Und nun, Herr McBride? Aug. 9, 2005, 10:47 p.m.
Shit hits Fan für SCO: A: There was a release of SCO LinuxWare release 7.1.2 that included the Linux kernel personality and SCO Linux-release 7.1.3 included the Linux kernel personality. At first when it first shipped it did include the Linux kernel packages which were subsequently removed. Find ...
Linux, SCO, Sysadmin
Yep. Macht Sinn. Aug. 9, 2005, 9:01 a.m.
Nicht Intelligent Design, sondern das Google-Bombing des Ausdrucks natürlich. post a comment No HTML is allowed, if you want to post a link, just write the link on it's own line. Only approved comments will get a clickable link, though. Your name: Comment:
Natur, Spaghettimonster, Wissen