Entries for date 03/13/2008

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Wie Hessens Landeschef weiterregieren kann: Für immer Koch March 13, 2008, 6:35 p.m.
Wie Hessens Landeschef weiterregieren kann: Für immer Koch - die Hessen können einfach nicht wählen. Ein paar Stimmen mehr gegen Koch und wir wären den Typen endlich mal los. Aber nein ...
Bananenrepublik, Politik
Hacking implanted defibrillators: shockingly easy March 13, 2008, 3:04 p.m.
Hacking implanted defibrillators: shockingly easy - "But, more disturbingly, they could also shut off the device's ability to respond to cardiac events. The pinnacle of their hacking was to send the device into test mode, in which a carefully-timed current would trigger an arrhythmic event, something that's normally done under controlled conditions to determine if the device responds successfully. In effect, they hacked the device in a way that could stop a heart."
Sicherheit, Wissen