

 > look You are in a twisty maze of python build dependencies, all covered with inscrutable error messages. There are exits to: N, S, E, W. What do you do? > python setup.py build A compiler goblin rushes out of one of the passages, scribbles on a wall and runs gibbering down another passage. > help There is no help for you. > n You are in a twisty maze of python build dependencies, all covered with inscrutable error messages. There are exits to: N, S, E, W. What do you do? > get coffee 
[richard's stuff : /python] So (s/coffee/apfelschorle/) fühle ich mich auch manchmal. Meistens aber mit Perl, wenn eine Modulinstallation gleich das ganze Perl selber mit installieren will aufgrund seiner Abhängigkeiten ...

Gefunden bei richard's stuff : /python.

tags: Programmierung