Elements tagged with: hardware

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Apple buys P.A. Semi chip designer, Intel says wha? Jan. 29, 2010, 1:27 p.m.
Apple buys P.A. Semi chip designer, Intel says wha? - weil letztens beim Stammtisch die Diskussion war, ob Apple wirklich den A4 im iPad selber designed: in 2008 haben sie eine Chip-Designer-Schmiede gekauft, deren Chef einer der StrongArm Architekten war ...
Alex Payne — On the iPad Jan. 29, 2010, 12:37 p.m.
Alex Payne — On the iPad - "For now, though, I remain disturbed. The future of personal computing that the iPad shows us is both seductive and dystopian. It’s not a future I want to bring into my home."
Hardware, Mobile
Apple - iPad - Technical specifications and accessories for iPad. Jan. 28, 2010, 3:26 p.m.
Apple - iPad - Technical specifications and accessories for iPad. - zwei Monate in denen sich die Technik-"Experten" die Finger fusselig schreiben können.
EZ430-Chronos - Texas Instruments Embedded Processors Wiki Jan. 23, 2010, 12:09 p.m.
EZ430-Chronos - Texas Instruments Embedded Processors Wiki - technische Details zu dem tragbaren Embedded System von TI.
Hardware, Programmierung
TI hits home run with Chronos sportswatch wireless dev kit Jan. 23, 2010, 12:07 p.m.
TI hits home run with Chronos sportswatch wireless dev kit - das ist interessant. Eine Armbanduhr zum Hacken - Wireless, Accelerometer, Druck und Höhensensoren, LCD Anzeige, Temperatursensor, und ein Developer-Kit und Tools (Hardware-Tools in diesem Fall). Und auch noch bezahlbar (50 Dollar für die Uhr!). Wer also mit einem kleinen Embedded System rumhacken will, und das dann immer dabei haben will, warum nicht eine Armbanduhr nehmen?
Hardware, Programmierung
Parrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch Jan. 11, 2010, 12:09 p.m.
Parrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch - ein per iPhone über WiFi fernsteuerbarer Hubschrauber mit vier Propellern und zwei Kameras. Dazu noch Devkits für augmented Reality Spiele. Das will ich haben!
Hardware, Spiele
Daring Fireball: The Tablet Jan. 1, 2010, 12:18 p.m.
Daring Fireball: The Tablet - "I am not predicting that Apple is phasing out the Mac. (On the contrary, I’ve heard that Mac OS X 10.7 is on pace for a developer release at WWDC in June.) Like all Apple products, The Tablet will do less than we expect but the things it does do, it will do insanely well. It will offer a fraction of the functionality of a MacBook — but that fraction will be way more fun. The same Asperger-y critics who dismissed the iPhone will focus on all that The Tablet doesn’t do and declare that this time, Apple really has fucked up but good. The rest of us will get in line to buy one."
Hardware, Mac OS X, Mobile