Elements tagged with: programmierung

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Chuck Moore's Wonderful colorForth Programming Language and Operating System June 27, 2008, 11:30 a.m.
Chuck Moore's Wonderful colorForth Programming Language and Operating System - "Rather than a string of 8-bit characters, colorForth interprets pre-parsed words. A word starts with 4 bits that indicate its color and function - text, number, etc. Then 28 bits of left-justified, Huffman-coded characters, averaging 5.2 bits each. Numbers are stored in binary. Each word occupies 1 or more 32-bit memory locations." - ok, und die 2GB Hauptspeicher sitzen da und langweilen sich, weil der Programmierer sich Gedanken über Huffman-codierung von Befehlswörtern gemacht hat, um auch noch das letzte Bit zu sparen. Schon ein ziemlicher Anachronismus - aber ein sympathischer.
The A-Z of Programming Languages: Forth June 27, 2008, 11:27 a.m.
The A-Z of Programming Languages: Forth - "I think it behooves new programmers to sample all the languages available. Forth is the only one that's fun. The satisfaction of finding a neat representation cannot be equaled in Fortran, C or even Lisp. (And mentioning those languages surely dates me). Try it, you'll like it."